Jill Monteith

Event Sales Director

photo of  Jill Monteith

Email: [email protected]

Jill Monteith is joining our team as the Events Sales Director with over 20 plus years of hospitality and events industry experience. Jill has been a steward of the industry pursuing career growth in all aspects, from historic hotels and resorts to golf venues, and a long-seasoned career working at Travel Portland, promoting our region as a destination location with conventions. Jill took a small break from her career to serve her country by joining the United States Air Force but has continued her on in her success post service. She is dedicated to the success of all her events and desires to make them memorable, all while building upon the relationships with her clients. Jill loves to travel and enjoys golfing with her husband and son and has a passion for all the outdoor activities the Pacific Northwest wonderland has to offer. She is a firm advocate for rescuing shelter animals, and currently embraces her new family addition that joined them this year.